The story of Isospec begins with hockey and is rooted in 15 years of friendship. Founders Greg Tyshynski, Scooter Vaughan, and Jeff Ceccacci met through the game of hockey and quickly became lifelong friends. While they went their separate ways as adults, all roads lead them back together to start Isospec.
Greg grew up in British Columbia, Canada, and played Junior Hockey in the British Columbia Hockey League. At SDSU and the University of Victoria, Greg earned degrees in molecular biology and pharmacology, and he’s been playing with chemicals ever since. After several years working for drug companies and learning his way around the business, he invested in a farm in South Florida and, after a few false starts, began growing hemp. When the Florida farm found itself with excess crop, he reached out to his old friend Scooter, and they decided to create their own product. And so Isospec was born.
Scooter played hockey at the University of Michigan where he was a three-time all-academic Big 10 Scholastic Athlete. Following his college career, Scooter signed his first professional contract with the NHL’s San Jose Sharks. At camp he suffered a broken elbow which sidelined him for 15 months. Following four surgeries in three weeks, Scooter was prescribed a constellation of prescription pills including Lyrica and Morphine. It was then that he began looking at other recovery options with less detrimental effects on the body and brain. Hemp and cannabis balm remedies were the first products he found that truly helped lessen the pain and heal his injury without debilitating side effects. Using a hemp/cannabis regimen, he was able to resume playing professional hockey and had a 7-year career following the injury. After retiring from professional hockey, he moved in with his old friend Greg, and they began laying the groundwork for Isospec.
Jeff grew up in Placentia, California. He started playing hockey for a youth club, where he met Scooter, and though they never played on the same team, they were fast friends. The two were inseparable off the ice throughout their school years, until Jeff moved to Canada to play Junior Hockey in the British Columbia Hockey League. It was there he met his new teammate Greg, who became a fast friend. When Greg came to visit California that summer, Jeff introduced him to Scooter, and the rest is history.
After college, Jeff moved to Beijing to teach English, and then spent five years in Hong Kong working in sports marketing. In 2019, Scooter called him to talk about the business he and Greg had been growing at Isospec. Six months later, Jeff moved to Florida to join the executive team.